If you are within the PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric) jurisdiction your small business should be a member of ClimateSmart! I challenge all businesses, ecoBroker's, Green or Sustainable Business and Realtors to get on board.
What is ClimateSmart?
It's a simple voluntary and charitable program that gives your business the opportunity to take action against climate change by making your energy use "climate neutral". Many people feel that doing what you can as a business or home owner to reduce your carbon foot print is a priority. This is a small way that you can do it for just pennies.
What does it cost?
Typically the monthly cost for participation in the program is $0.00254 per kilowatt–hour for your electricity useage & $0.06528 per therm for gas usage, or about $5 a month for the typical Northern California home.
Is it deductible as a business expense?
The ClimateSmart Program is aslo tax deductible through the formation of the Climate Smart Charity. At the end of the year your recive a report of your total contributions which may be used for tax purposes. Register Online by going directly to the PG&E website or call Molly Hoyt 415-973-2847 for more information on how to participate
This is a valuable opportunity to communicate your commitment to environmentally responsible business practices and a commitment toward a cleaner planet.
"A Realtor that knows homes." Traci Ferguson 805-235-6396 traci@traciferguson.com http://www.traciferguson.com License #01875751, ecoBroker #16082 |